Viva Colonia
Summer University 2004

You still can stand that song? Hehe, good that you weren't here for carnival: 6 days and in every pub you can hear it every 30 minutes. So if you leave one directly after the song you might be able to hear it in the next bar. And so forth.

But now the pictures. Have fun remembering the days in Köln!

In the Kuhlendahl Country House: The Kölsch Game

Who forgot the post office on the right bank of the Rhine?

Interesting game. But those are not normal Kölsch glasses, I'm afraid.
Don't mix us up with Bavaria!

Not only guys can drink!

The winning team.
I'm not quite sure if they are so happy because they won
or just because of the spiritual influence...

Thinking minds. That's the way how love letters develop.

Sara is performing. The Grrrrrrrrgllllllll game?

Sometimes pictures can't be explained. Anyway.

Maybe this video scene can explain it.
(Right mouse click and "Save target as.."

Will her heart go on?

Maybe too much...

Want to see the whole scene?
But it's like the modern DVDs - recorded from a different angle... ehm.
(Right mouse click and "Save target as..")

Somebody got a good recipe for an apple pie?

A men's conversation.

When Prince sang about the "Most beautiful girl in the world",
he might have thought of her.

Well, Prince always had many women...

Ali G. is in da house...! Bookasha!

Yep, Köln is a very open-minded city.

What might she be thinking?

Teaching Petre how to speak Italian.

The development of the Schokobon Game.
Hold the mouse arrow over the picture to see it.

And if you want to have another nice video click here!
(Right mouse click and "Save target as..")

More to see on page two


Site by Tomasito - 06.09.2004