The Kölsch Game
A Kingdom for a Kölsch

The game field.

Game description:
To get further on the map of Köln, the cans have to be hit,
as much cans you hit as much steps you can go forward.

Don't forget your suncreme!
Arrival in Köln.
You see many people at the airport
waiting for their flights to Mallorca.

Who is the guy on the right...?!
Esther, do you really think German tourists carry water into the planes...?!

Flight no. HL5468 to Mallorca - last call
Yes, Pedro and Burak do it right,
that's what German tourists carry to Mallorca -
and how they look like.

Eisbein mit Sauerkraut
And this German tourist just ate a hole Eisbein.
(look it up in your dictionary if you don't know what it is) ;-)

The prototype of a German tourist.

Actually a too lovely smile for a German tourist.

Rather a girl from Palermo that a German tourist.

The Jury is always right
The Jury
- old experienced AEGEE Köln members -
has to decide who got the most German look.

The new Jury
Sometimes the Jury gets replaced by German tourists -
they know how to overtake, for example, also islands... ;-))

Does a group always have groupies...?!
The participants are divided into three groups.
Here is group number one.

Another game:
Participants have to confess their sins.
In the background of the photo
you can see the executioner already waiting.

Martin (the priest) and Fabio (the sinner)
Italian sins.

Everything has to be documented and recorded:
the mass media - always present.

Vodka Martini - shaken, not stirred
To refresh the competitors: Bar Lady Esther

Vino Tinto

Sometimes also Kölner have to be punished:
Tomasito and the Porrón.

Sotiris (not really able to speak German)
and a text about animals taken out of the German law book.

Italian law
Also Monica tries to read the text.
She also is in the language course level one.

Famous Film Scenes:

My heart will go on
- The Special Effects Version -

My heart will stop going on
- The German Version -

Flying clothes
The Full, Full, Full Monty

Happy Birtday, Irena!
At midnight: Irena's birthday!

More Titanic - Aqualand

Site by Tomasito - 21.02.2002