El Diario de Tomasito
Carnival Köln 2004

Da simmer dabei - dat is prima - Viva Colonia!

The absolutely most beautiful make-up of the last decades' carnival.

Wieverfastelovend - 19.02.

Tomasito, Jörg, Matthes and Jan

Jan very steamy.

Nelkensamstag - 21.02. - Der Geisterzug

Jan looking very intensely at the ghosts' and witches' parade.
Next to him Marcus and Eva.

Tomasito in motion.

María in the underground station.

Der Sundach (Sonntag) - 22.02.

Christian(e), Daniel, Marcus.

Hola guapaaaa!

Rosenmontag - 23.02.

"Die Hände zum Himmel..."
View from the 2nd floor of a flat at the Severinstraße.

Angie and Stoibie working out to win the next elections - as Arnie did in California.


The winner of the school and district parade.
"We are all marionettes..."


Tomasito in the window.

The people opposite of us...
..nearly falling out of the window.

More political satire: Stoiber and Schröder.

Like political parties in the government -
the weather changes every five minutes...
Here it's snowing.

Tomasito and a riders' company.

A grandpa shaking his rattle.
He does it all the time - supposedly it's 'parkinson'.

Very clever: the girls in the third floor have a bag with a rope,
which they throw to the trucks to get sweets
Point with the mouse arrow onto the picture to see the bag better.


It's hard to catch something in the second floor.
The people on the parade should do some fitness before the carnival time
This is the only sweet I got - a prince roll.

The Ehrengarde.

D'r Prinz kütt!
The prince is coming!

The prince and Tomasito.

The cleaning ballet after the parade.


10,35 €.

Rosenmontag - 23.02. - The Night

Tomasito in tha crowd.

Tomasito, Christian, Daniel and Liv.


Site by Tomasito - 10.02.2004